In an effort to continually improve and standardize Saint-Gobain's product labels to provide their customers with additional information on their product labels, Sain-Gobain will be updating the format and appearance of their product labels.

The change applies to all products manufactured at the Saint-Gobain Beaverton, MI, shown below:

Saint Gobain Labels Changes

Please note that custom labels (i.e. labels that show customer specific logos) will not be affected and will remain unchanged.

The change to the labels is not a change to the product’s form/fit/function, product claims, manufacturing process, testing methods, or product release criteria. The bar-code format will be updated to a 2D format which will contain part number, lot number and lot quantity. Additionally, the expiration date (as applicable) and the date of manufacture will be included as part of the new label design. A comparison of the update label formats against the previous formats can be seen below.

Implementation Date:

The label format change is not retroactive and will only be applied to lots produced after the implementation date. The new label  formats will be available  for use  starting  1 March 2017.

The figures on the following pages reflect the current label format with the new label format. The figure description will include the change to the referenced label.

Saint Gobain Labels Changes

Figure 1. Tygon labels will no longer have the tubing dimension information or formulation included and will now include the Date of Manufacture and the Expiration Date.

 Saint Gobain Labels Changes

Figure 2. SaniTech labels will no longer have the size information, Mfg. lot numbers, or reorder# and will now include the Date of Manufacturing and Expiration Date.

Saint Gobain Labels Changes

 Figure 3. Generic Labels will no longer have the Duro, color, or customer name and will now include the Date of Manufacturing and Expiration Date.

 Saint Gobain Labels Changes

 Figure 4. Irradiation labels will no longer have the date of sterilization or Mfg. lot information and will now include the Date of Manufacturing and Expiration Date.